גלובס בדק ומצא

Excerpts from a Globe article, 5.10.10
Doctor on The line: A new service lets you get paid medical advice for a fee
We all have a telephone (at least one), and we all sometimes need to consult a doctor. This is where the new service talk2doc ("specialist physician") comes in, which allows you to consult a specialist physician for a fee, regardless of the health insurance or private insurance.
R (talk2doc and expert Fa) was established by a group of specialists in family medicine, which underpins the motto that one body and mind are one, and that every person has the right to consult with ease and accessible technological means (telephone and camera) and from home and avoid unnecessary visits to the health fund.
The service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, dialing an abbreviated number 27293 * (the doctor). When a specialist in a particular field is required , it is brought to a conference call for accurate diagnosis. If necessary, he faxes a relevant prescription to the pharmacy.
… The result test shows that talk2doc's service ("specialist doctor") … is effective. An experimenter with a skin problem was answered …
After a short call, the doctor prescribed the treatment and sent a prescription to the fax.
The response is given to every request for medical problems and is intended for all ages, "explains the CEO, Dr. Alon Margalit. Margalit believes that the model, which is applied in many countries, will also permeate the Israeli consumer.
For two years, the service has been tried as a pilot on National Health Insurance policy holders and geographical company pilots.
The benefits of conversation with video (made through the cellular) simulate Dr. Oak Margalit "The most effective way to visit a physician," adding that "conservative medicine has not yet embraced the technological and simplicity that it allows.
talk2doc ב- beOK

If the health fund is closed or you cannot go to it, there is a new service that can keep you going. The talk2doc service ("specialist doctor") will save you time and resources, and solve you medical problems. All it takes to feel good is to have a video camera.
How many times have you felt so bad that even going to the health fund seemed like an impossible task? The pesky pain almost manages to convince us to wrap the blanket again and hug the pillow. But we forcefully resist the temptation – get up, reset ourselves, wash the face and start walking toward the health fund. Of course, there are informal rules for the health fund – if you schedule an appointment for 8am, in most cases you will see the doctor after 8am.
In addition, there are situations that are familiar to all of us: long queues, unbearable overcrowding and a doctor, who is not to blame, find it difficult to be patient because other patients want to know when they will be cleared to ask a small question. We often go through this entire hassle just to get paracetamol, which we may have at home.
Must go to the health fund for diagnosis and medical treatment – not
Dr. Alon Margalit founded talk2doc ("specialist doctor"), which aims to provide diagnostic and medical services at all hours of the day, by the best senior doctors. Listen and understand the patient, in order to reach an optimal and effective level of care.
How does the service work?
To get the service, call 03-9788888 and come equipped with a video camera (not required). The call comes to a specialist who asks focused questions about the problem. Through the camera, he diagnoses the problem and if possible, and provides appropriate treatment.
What problems can doctors help?
Doctors can help with a wide range of problems and pains, such as headaches, back pain, joint pain, sexual problems, stress and anxiety issues and more. These doctors are experts in their field and know what is the best treatment for any problem or pain.
יש לי שאלה
אם אתה צריך לשאול שאלה קטנה, אבל צריך לעבור תהליך ארוך ומסורבל כדי להגיע לרופא בקופת חולים? גם את הבעיה הזו שירות talk2doc ("רופא מומחה") פותר. במידה ויש לך שאלה תוכל ליצור קשר, ורופא מומחה יענה לך במקצועיות ובענייניות.
מה עושים אם המטופל צריך תרופה שניתן לרכוש אותה רק עם מרשם רופא?
במידה והרופא קבע כי יש לטפל בבעיה של המטופל עם תרופת מרשם, הוא ישלח פקס לבית המרקחת שהמטופל בחר. בעזרת פקס זה המטופל יוכל לרכוש את התרופה.
אפשר למצוא פתרונות לבעיות באינטרנט
כשיש לנו בעיה, המקור הראשון אליו אנחנו רצים הוא האינטרנט, שמעמיס עלינו מידע שלא תמיד אנחנו מבינים או יכולים לקרוא, היות והוא כתוב בשפה מקצועית. במקום לשקוע במידע לא מובן, תוכלו ליצור קשר עם שירות talk2doc ("רופא מומחה") והרופא יסביר לכם בשפה פשוטה ומובנת מה צריך לעשות.
שירות talk2doc ("רופא מומחה") נותן לציבור בכל גיל שירות מהיר, מקצועי ואדיב שחוסך זמן יקר ומשאבים, ונותן פתרון מצוין כשקופת החולים סגורה, או כשחייבים ייעוץ וטיפול מיידי. חשוב לציין שהשירות לא מחליף טיפול רגיל של רופא, אלא בא בנוסף אליו.